SSVF is a short-term crisis intervention program, with services to include case management, housing and financial counseling, and assistance in obtaining benefits and services.
Our overall goal is to serve 450 veterans annually with 60% of our clients being literally homeless and the remaining 40% are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. The goal is housing stability for both levels of this population. This distribution also effects allocation of TFA (Temporary Financial Assistance) for the veterans. One of the comparisons we engage in is the review of our previous years’ goals in creating the current year’s goals.
In 2023, over 634 Veterans were served by Project PLASE SSVF

Shadow Subsidies For Veterans
Shadow Subsidies is a short term rental assistance program for veterans living on an extremely low income (ELI). SS provides 50% of rent for up to 2 years and for some living below the ELI, they could may receive rents over 2 years.
In 2023, 100 veterans were enrolled in the Shadow Subsidies program at Project PLASE.
Programmatic Collaboration
Our Support Services for Veteran Families program collaborates with many of the permanent housing programs of Project PLASE, stepping in when other programs are initiated. All of them are working together to ensure a veteran is housed and that housing is sustainable, while safeguarding and acting against the other root causes of homelessness.
◘ Celebration Housing for Veterans
◘ Grants Per Diem (GPD) Permanent Housing
◘ Renters Assistance Program (RAP)
◘ Continuum of Care (CoC) for chronically homeless
What people say about it
Veteran came into the program needing Rapid Rehousing. He was already receiving VA Disability Benefits. The Veteran had a history of substance abuse and was currently in a Methadone Treatment Program. Project PLASE/SSVF placed him in a rooming house, provided (TFA) and paid first month rent and security deposit. They delivered food, household items and bedding items as well. Veteran was doing well for several months but he left the rooming house and returned to active addiction for at least six months. Veteran came to this year Annual Veterans Day Event and spoke to everyone about the SSVF program and services he received. With support and guidance he received from SSVF staff Ms. Loretta, Ms. Daniel and Dr. Ferguson he was able to pull himself back together and go seek help. His hard work paid off and he has been clean for over a year and he received a HUD-VASH Housing Voucher and is now living in Baltimore County.

Veteran Back on Track
Rapid Rehousing helped a Veteran who came into the program after being carjacked and could no longer sleep in his truck. He was proactive in finding his own place and the program provided Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) and paid his first month rent and security deposit. After several months in the program, the veteran received a HUD-VASH Housing Voucher. He started working as an electrician for the government making very good money and eventually opted out of HUD-VASH. He went through the VA and purchased a home. Veteran now reaches out to help other homeless veterans. He spoke at our Annual Veterans' Day event and thanked management and staff for all the help that he was given during his time of need. He also thanked God for the SSVF program and the services that are being provided to veterans and families.

Veteran from the streets to homeownership